B'nai Tzedek Youth Foundation:
click on "BT Youth Foundation" on the left to learn more about the B'nai Tzedek board specifically, or email us for more information.

 About Us:

5 Things to Know About Miriam Kudler-Flam (co-creator/designer of BT Beaders):
  1. Miriam is a junior at Northampton High School; her favorite classes are Drawing and Painting 2 and AP Spanish. 
  2. Miriam first got into beading and designing jewelry at age 12. (She spent ALL of her babysitting money at a local beading store, and always seemed to find herself owing money to her parents!)
  3. She is very involved in her Jewish community: along with being on the B'nai Tzedek Youth Foundation, Miriam works as a teacher's aide at her synagogue's hebrew school.
  4.  Miriam is also working on another Tzedakah Project with Rachel to help refugees in Darfur. (Keep in touch if you are interested in upcoming local events that Miriam and Rachel are organizing!)
  5. Miriam loves making and looking at art; her favorite colors are usually red, orange, and purple (together or separate) !

5 Things to Know About Rachel Brazie (co-creator/designer of BT Beaders):

  1. Rachel is a Junior at Northampton High School; she loves English, History, and Theater!
  2. What little free time she has, Rachel usually spends planning Tzedkah projects with Miriam, or rehearsing for her next show. She is a member of the high school's improv troupe, Unusual Suspects, and will be in the school's winter play, "The Madwoman of Chaillot," Jannuary 22-24.
  3. Rachel loves Tzedakah projects and in the past has participated in the Hazon Environmental Bike Ride from Conneticut to Manhattan, raising over $2500 for the cause last year.
  4. Broadway is Rachel's life, and her favorite shows (at the moment) are  Wicked, Spring Awakening, Rent, and Les Miserables.
  5. Rachel loves spending time with friends and is thrilled to be launching B'nai Tzedek Beading with Miriam!